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Head Models

Head Dissection (4-Part)


Head Dissection (4-Part)

Item# LA00139U

The right side of the face is dissected in sagittal and horizontal sections, showing many significant internal features of the skull and brain, as well as the entire oronasal cavity. Life-size head model is composed of four parts:
• Half brain with the internal structure of the cerebrum, including blood vessels
• Half of the cerebellum

Price $225.00
Half-Head Model

Half-Head Model

Item# LA00140U

Life-size model representing the right half of the human head and neck, sectioned along the sagittal plane. A superficial dissection exposes the facial muscles, the superficial blood vessels and nerve branches of the face and scalp, and the parotid and submandibular glands. A median dissection exposes the brain with its internal structure, the pharynx and upper respiratory tract, and a section of the cervical vertebrae. Mounted on base. 8" x 6" x 11-1/2".

Price $275.00
Arteries, Nerves, and Veins of the Head Set

Arteries, Nerves, and Veins of the Head Set

Item# LA00141U

Set of three models clearly illustrates the arteries, nerves, and veins of the head. Arteries of the Head model shows the pathway of the left external carotid artery, including collateral and terminal branches, and measures 8" x 6" x 9". Nerves of the Head model illustrates the trigeminal nerve and its branches, and measures 8" x 6" x 8". Veins of the Head model shows the pathway of the left internal jugular vein in the cervical and head region, including the tributary venous branches, and measures 8" x 6" x 10-1/4". Each model is mounted on a base for display.

Price $210.00

Arteries of the Head Model


Arteries of the Head Model

Item# LA00142U

Clearly illustrates the arteries of the head. Shows the pathway of the left external carotid artery, including collateral and terminal branches. Mounted on a base for display. 8" x 6" x 9".

Price $82.50

Nerves of the Head Model


Nerves of the Head Model

Item# LA00143U

Clearly illustrates the nerves of the head, including the trigeminal nerve and its branches. Mounted on a base for display. 8" x 6" x 8".

Price $82.50

Veins of the Head Model


Veins of the Head Model

Item# LA00144U

Clearly illustrates the veins of the head. Shows the pathway of the left internal jugular vein in the cervical and head region, including the tributary venous branches. Mounted on a base for display. 8" x 6" x 10-1/4".

Price $82.50
Head and Neck Musculature Model

Head and Neck Musculature Model

Item# LA00145U

This model shows the muscles of the head, neck, and superior thoracic region. Superficial and deep musculature are well represented, as are the pathways of the subclavian and carotid arteries. Mounted on base. 14-1/2" x 9" x 18".

Price $295.00

Head with Pharynx Muscles Model


Head with Pharynx Muscles Model

Item# LA00146U

Dissected along the sagittal plane into two halves, this life-size head model shows details of the oronasal cavity and larynx, as well as musculature of the pharynx. Mounted on base with stand. 6" x 6" x 12".

Price $145.00

Cranial and Autonomic Nerves Model (Two Part)


Cranial and Autonomic Nerves Model (Two Part)

Item# LA00234U

Two and one-half times life size! Dissection of human half head shows the 12 cranial nerves with collateral branches and autonomic nerves. Median section reveals the upper respiratory tract and pharynx. The eyeball is removable for close examination. Mounted on base. 13" x 9" x 15-3/4".

Price $295.00

CPR Savers & First Aid Supply LLC - info@firstaid-supply.com
Toll Free: 800-480-1277  /   Local Phone: 480-946-0971  /   Fax: 480-275-7002

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